The Kambo process, though undoubtedly challenging, can serve as a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation.

Here's an overview of the Kambo process:

Application: Once applied, it takes approximately 5 minutes for the effects of Kambo to become noticeable. Normal reactions include tingling sensations, feelings of heat, facial swelling, nausea.

Purging: Kambo is a purgative medicine, often inducing vomiting and defecation. Don't worry; there's plenty of time for a bathroom visit. The purging process may also come in the form of sweating, yawning, or tears. These actions aid in the release of unwanted toxins and unprocessed energies deeply stored within the body.

Duration: Typically, after 20-30 minutes, the kambo is gently wiped off as its effects wear off. You are then encouraged to lie down and rest. The duration of this rest period can vary, with individuals taking as much time as needed to recover.

While the Kambo process is undeniably uncomfortable, the profound long-term benefits far outweigh the temporary discomfort. It's a transformative journey of purification, release, and renewal that underscores the resilience of the human spirit in pursuit of greater well-being and personal growth.