It's crucial to be aware of the contraindications associated with Kambo, as certain medical conditions and situations may pose risks or complications when undergoing Kambo treatment. Please exercise caution and consult with a qualified practitioner before considering Kambo if you have any of the following contraindications:

**Medical Conditions:**

- Aneurism

- Active ulcers

- Alcohol dependency

- Addison’s Disease

- Brain issues (any)

- Blood clots

- Chemotherapy or chemo drugs (within 6 weeks pre and post)

- Drug dependency (all opioids and benzos)

- Gastric sleeve or band

- Heart issues (any)

- Organ transplant

- PTSD (must only be treated by advanced practitioners)

- Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorders, psychosis, personality disorders (previous psychiatric history must be declared)

- Medicated low blood pressure

- Recent surgeries (minimum 8 weeks post)

- Stroke

- Pregnancy

- Pancreatic issues

- Breastfeeding (under 6 months)

- Within 21 days of giving birth

- Under 18 years of age

- Asthmatic (depending on severity, must bring inhaler)

- Diabetics (need to bring insulin, testing strips, and food)

- Individuals who have taken Bufo for 8 weeks prior

- COVID vaccination (minimum 6 weeks post)

It's important to note that while most medications are generally compatible with Kambo, individuals on anti-depressants should inform the hosts, as they are the primary type of medication that may be contraindicated.

In the case of antibiotics, it is advisable to take them separately from Kambo, and Kambo can be considered after completing the course of antibiotics.

Safety is paramount when considering Kambo, and a thorough assessment of your medical history and consultation with trained practitioners is essential to ensure a safe and effective experience.